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Freedom to Operate

Protecting IP Assets Against Patent Infringement

When planning to develop and launch a new product, a company must consider whether a competitor holds a patent that may either block the commercialization of that product or pose a serious risk of patent infringement litigation.

Many companies perform a “Freedom-to-Operate” analysis at an early stage to secure their rights to commercial production, marketing and use of their new product, process, or service, as well as to avoid infringing on the IP rights of others. is an intellectual property company that performs Freedom-to-Operate analysis, as well as patentability, patent landscape and patent validity searches. We work with global technology companies, universities, government agencies and patent offices around the world.

Our team of highly experienced analysts recognizes the importance of filing and litigation deadlines and expedites our searches accordingly. Law firms, leading R&D universities, Fortune 500 companies, and governmental organizations trust our professional services team.

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