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Enterprise Innovation Consulting Services

Our innovation consulting team utilizes patented AI-based tools to analyze existing solutions and cultivate innovation within your organization.

We utilize patented AI-based tools to analyze existing solutions and cultivate innovation.’s Enterprise Innovation Consulting Services facilitate one- and two-day onsite sessions, working with R&D teams to provide an end-to-end solution. Our consulting methodology results in invigorating innovation and the achievement of a set of new actionable ideas for further exploration. 

We utilize a set of our patented AI-based tools to analyze existing solutions or complex technical problems, develop new solutions and ideas, map them to understand novelty, and develop an in-depth technology landscape report. The innovation consulting team prepares the entire agenda, guides the use of tools within your team, provides on-site instruction, and delivers results in a formal review.  

To schedule innovation consulting with or learn more, contact us at

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