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Managing the Innovation Lifecycle with

You’re on vacation with your family, sitting on a beach and an idea hits you. The entire time you’re there, it’s all you can think about. You believe your idea is revolutionary, but you’re unsure how to show it to the world. Where do you start?

A great idea is only worth the paper it’s printed or written on. What differentiates a great idea from a great product is its implementation. Before you begin building on your idea, you must research the market and see if your invention has been thought of by someone else, or most importantly, if your idea and invention are infringing on a registered patent.

This is where’s innovation suite can take you from creating ideas to promoting them to the world. With this revolutionary innovation lifecycle management solution, you receive:

Evaluating Innovation with IQ Ideas+

Conducting a thorough landscape search into a technology area can be an intimidating task. IQ Ideas+ simplifies and optimizes innovation workflow through a fully automated, AI-driven approach. This cloud-based solution addresses the areas that traditional alternatives lack, allowing users to reduce costs, accelerate their IP journey, and increase ROI.

Through Lean Six Sigma methodologies and natural language processing, IQ Ideas+ expedites creative ideation, insight review, and concept collaboration right from the beginning of the IP lifecycle. The tool also includes the industry’s only concept-novelty scoring tool. Concepts are impartially reviewed and graded, identifying what ideas are best suited to enter the next stage of the innovation lifecycle. From there, users can access the Technology Vitality Report (TVR) to explore comparative scoring, keywords, relevant patents, and other contributors.

Idea Generation and Evaluation
  1. Start with a defined problem
  2. Describe the problem and perform root cause analysis
  3. Review AI-enabled suggestions and record your own ideas for future development
  4. Draft disclosures with the help of AI

IQ Ideas+ delivers an increased grant rate for high-scoring disclosures with reduced office actions for faster ROI!

Monetizing Innovation with InnovationQ+

With InnovationQ+, your company gains deep insight into the industry and businesses within it, allowing you to increase productivity and strategically monetize innovation. This tool transforms the time-consuming, cost-intensive patent search process into an efficient, simpler system through our semantic AI engine and data integrations.

Using anything from a patent number to a conceptual statement to even an invention disclosure excerpt, InnovationQ+ users can uncover expert-level results by searching their way. Our proprietary engine combines natural language semantic AI with our Boolean query capabilities as well as logic-based syntax to quickly pinpoint related results from billions of worldwide IP data points. Through these capabilities, users can then keep an eye out for competitor patents, discover new trends, and spot market disruptions or strategic licensing opportunities.

  1. Reduction in upfront patent research costs
  2. Shorter invention review cycles allow IP teams to respond to inventors quickly